Friday, January 16, 2009

I don't remember what I am supposed to put here

So I am kind of annoyed at this class.  I am on the lame moodle web site and the IPT website and I can find most of what was due this week;  I am pretty sure we have to blog about something, but I can't find where it actually says we do.  If they just told me what they wanted, I would be more than willing to comply, but when they make me do one hundred random things every week and have assignments posted on a million websites, I just can't do it.
So here is my blog this week.  I set up a good reads account.  That is kind of a neat site.  And I learned about RSS feeds.  I don't see me using that much for school but possibly for me personally.  Anyway, that's all I want to say this week.  And now I have to remember how they want it tagged.

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