Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Background in Technology

I don't consider myself overly tech savvy (but I do love words), however I have had some experience with various technologies over the years.
I rememeber when I was younger we had this huge printer that would often spaz out and I became pretty adept at fixing it.  I am currently a secretary on campus, and am rather known for my printer-prowess.  Whenever one of our printers' "attention" light flashes the professors come and tell me that I need to give (insert printer name here) attention.
I have also been using a computer relativley frequently at home and in the workplace for the better part of my young life.  Because of said experiences I have grown accustomed to using such programs as Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel, etc. etc.
As a side note, I often consider myself the master of Paint.  Some people are important enough to use lame programs like Photoshop, but if you can't do it in Paint it's not worth doing at all.
I have recently got into a video editing program on my computer.  I have only edited one film, but it was amazing.  I could cut, paste and rearrange with reckless abandon!
As many people do these days, I have a cellular phone.  I feel rather successful at using it and correcting any problems by having AT&T send me a new one (I have gone through at least 5 in the past 2 1/2 years through no fault of my own, but that is another tale for another day).  I can text at a moderate pace, call people, take pictures, record and even download music.  All on a phone.  Imagine!
And as I have been typing this my wireless has been kind of dodgy, so I am improving my skills in connecting to the lovely World Wide Web.
I am sure that I have had much more experience with the lovely world 0f technology, but that is all I can think of as of right now, and if you are still reading this, good for you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Here's my blog so you can add me to your list... http://molliemay.blogspot.com
